Uptime, Performance Monitoring
We only will monitor your website for uptime and performance if one of our customers has added it to their account. For uptime monitoring we will check your website once a minute, but once every 10 minutes per location. For performance monitoring we do 2 other checks per minute as well, from 2 locations closest to your website. When we are performing a full website check, we will crawl every page and link we can find.
Inside your logs you should see requests from EyeMonitUptimeBot for both monitoring options.
Full Website Check
When we are performing a full website check, to find broken pages, links and files, we will check every page and link we can find. This is done from one location (Amsterdam), and will not be going through your website faster than a regular vistor will do. Customers can change the speed to a different pace, to slow our checker down.
Our link checker will always check for the robots.txt and check what we are allowed to checked on your website. We can also help with excluding specific parts of your website to be checked by us, please contact us and we are happy to help you with it.
Inside your logs you should see requests from EyeMonitLinkCheckerBot for the link checker.
IP Addresses & Locations
To monitor our customers online services, we use multiple locations to prevent false positives. You can find them here below:
All our servers have a valid PTR/Reverse DNS record which includes eyemon.it, for example (amsterdam01.eyemon.it)
Can you stop monitoring my website?
If we are monitoring your website, one of our paying customers has added your website to be monitored. Please contact us if you are unaware who this might be, we are always happy to help!
Contact us here